Friday, June 04, 2004

This is what I do for a living....

Communications. Public Relations. Publications. Event Organisations. You name it, I have done it.

When I was small (read younger), I was certain I wanted to go into customer service or the hospitality industry.

But eventually, I found out that I am more interested in working with people and alongside people and communicating with and for them. Thus, my present line of work.

I had worked in the hospitality industry before. I used to like it. When one is young an dhappy-go-lucky, it is the best job in the world. But the hours was taking a toll on me so I shifted to a 9-5 job.

Then I joined a telecommunications company and got myself transfered to another state. I hated that job. I was home sick, hated my boss and worst of all, I moved there because of this stupid guy I thought I loved. (Mind you, don't ever relocate for someone else's sake...not ever!). So I quit and got myself a job with a high commission.

It was a good job, flexible hours, the high commission has a pool where staff can use, friendly people and quite a 'high-profile' place to work at. But it didn;t last because my colleagues were older. As in in their 40s and 50s and I was just 26! Besides, I was on a yearly contract so I quit! (Much to the surprise of my then-boyfriend).

I hung around for a while and decided to take up an external course on Public Relations. This was when I found my niche in life (so to speak). The 6months course presented me with a certificate and I successfully secured a job as an Assistant Communications Officer with the Malaysian AIDS Council.

Thus, I got myself into communications.