Wednesday, November 17, 2004

A Conversation with a Four Year-Old a.k.a. Why? Because... I dunno!

On the way to the shopping mall.

Child: Where are we going mom?

Mom: To the shopping mall.

Child: To shop?

Mom: Yes.

Child: What are we buying?

Mom: Nothing in particular. Just window-shopping, I guess.

Child: Okay....

After a moments pause....

Child: Why do we window-shop?

Mom: Becos it is nice... we can compare prices. Then when we need the stuff, we know where to go get it and how much it will cost. Don't you like window-shopping?

Child: It's okay.

Child shrugs.

Mom: What do you mean... it's ok?

Child: Because...

Mom looks at child questioningly.

Child: I dunno!

Christmas Will Soon Be Upon Us...

Malaysia just concluded its Hari Raya Aidil Fitri holidays. We were on a 3 days break and only just came back to work today, Wednesday, 17 November. However, many of us, especially the Moslems, are still on holiday. It is evident through the lack of vehicles on the road.

Soon, in 5 weeks time to be exact, the entire world will be celebrating Christmas. And I mean the entire world because Christmas is seen as the culmination of all holidays. Everyone is more laid-back and things tend to tone down; work, activities, projects etc.

Have I done my christmas shopping? I should although I have not done any. I have seen the things I could make and give as christmas gifts but... (sigh!) do I really want to do it now?

I dunno.

What do my family want? I have bought something for hubby. I can wrap that up and make it his gift but knowing myself, I probably will get him something else when I see that something else.

Ash? Emma? Maybe a toy. Ash seems to like BArbie dolls now. So maybe it is time that she gets her first Barbie. Emma?... She will be one on Christmas Dayitself so what do you give a child who shares the same 'birthday' with The Lord???? And do we double the gift....???

Siblings?....My sister from Miri is coming back for Christmas so that means 2 additional gift this year - one for herself and another for her son.

And who will give me gifts> Hubby? I bet you my bottom dollar that he won't. That is part of his tradition... he just don't give gifts.

So once again, I ponder.

Christmas will soon be upon us. And in the true sense of how I work...I need to get the approval of my GM for my advance leave first.

Then, only then, will i think about buying gifts.

Have a fruitful year-end.