Friday, December 17, 2004

Introduction to My Office

The Entryway to My Office

My desk faces the door from a 45degree angle. Best of all, I am 'shield' by my cpu and my monitor so whoever enters the office will not know if I am at my desk unless I make it known. Hee hee heee....

My Unusually Cluttered Desk...

My desk is unusually cluttered when I took the picture because I just got back from organising a function thus the paper bag (which I used to carry our door-gifts), the digital camera cable etc etc. But really, on any given day, not a file is out of place.

My Blinds..with its seasonal decor...

I draw my window's blinds because the grills on it are horrendous!!!! So I am slowly decorating my bland pale blue blinds with nice pictures... but no, you will not find personal pictures on it.

My Teeney Notice Board....

I have a ridiculously tiny notice board. On it are contact nos. of my Board of Directors, staff e-mail addresses as well as an article from Musings (The Star) written by Datuk Paduka Marina Mahathir (my former Boss, AIDS Council President).

My Paper Christmas Tree

This tree sits atop my cpu so it further help shiled me from outside view. Sitting at my desk, working on the computer, this the the exact angle I get of my tree albeit from a lower perspective.

My Paper Angel....

I made paper-cone angels for myself, my clerk and my designer in conjunction with the Christmas season. My manager does not have one cos.... I dunno. I only give to those I like...KAH KAH KAH

The Tree in my Office

This tree was 'sponsored' by my manager. Though she is a Buddhist, she was more excited than I was due to the season and brought a tree to decorated the office....hmmmm....

My Plant

For good feng shui, I have a water plant on my desk...see how much it grows...BTW, please don't tell the gardener that I snipped these off his plants...hee hee