Tuesday, June 15, 2004

I AM BI-DAYUH [trans: bi - people; dayuh - land]

I am a BIDAYUH! Posted by Hello

About Us Bidayuhs....

Once a coastal people that originated from West Kalimantan, the Bidayuh are now most numerous in the hill country of Bau and Serian, within an hour's drive from Kuching.

Known as a peace-loving and easy going people, it was their gentleness that so enchanted the first White Rajah. They are also famous for their hospitality. The Bidayuh are reputed to be the best makers of tuak, or rice wine.

But it was because of their mild disposition that the Bidayuh were dislodged by the influx of new tribes. The Bidayuh retreated from the lowlands to seek refuge in the mountainous areas which were easier to defend. They built fortified longhouses which led Europeans to call them "Land Dayaks" to distinguish them from the Iban - the "Sea Dayaks.

The Bidayuhs' meekness belies their headhunting past. In their baruk, a roundhouse that rises about 1.5 metres off the ground, the Bidayuh store their skulls. The baruk also served as a gathering place for when the tribe were under attack.

Although all are of the same ethnic group, the Bidayuh speak a number of different but related dialects that to some extent are mutually intelligible. Some of the Bidayuh still practice traditional religions, but Christian missionaries have made converts among them. (extracted from SarawakTourism.com)

Kuching means 'cat' in Malay...

The name of the town in which I live in gets its name from these feline... Kuching. Posted by Hello

But the actual story is that the town was named after a tree call 'mata kuching'.

According to history books, the founder of the town noticed a lot of these trees at the riverbank and asked his deputy what they were. The reply, "Mata Kuching." Thus the name.

However, as time goes by and development happens, the trees are felled so the story of it being associated with the cats emerged. So it sticks till today.

Personally, I like the story about the tree better. It adds a sense of mystery to the whole thing.

Where Is Your Boss!??!

My supervisor did not appear at work today... again!

I have no idea what her problem is but this is what I think it is:

firstly, she holds a part-time job as a radio editor. This requires her to be awake at un-Godly hours every other day. Forcing her to deprive herself of precious sleep. That she should be getting (!!!) in order for her to perform effectively for/at her full-time job (as my supervisor!!!)

secondly, she has INSOMNIA because.... you guess it. She is depriving herself of proper rest and sleep.

third, for some reasons still unknown to me, she is the hardest working person in the whole organization. And I mean 'hard', not 'smart'... get my drift.

we will see what happens tomorrow....