Friday, August 17, 2007

A Reason to Cry, Many More Reasons To Laugh 02

More than two years ago, I put a short entry on this blog. Today, this is the answer to that entry.

My Emma-Noelle Caitlin, born 25th December 2003, was born with Trisomy 21.

At about 18 months, she decided that she no longer wants to drag her bottom on the floor. So one fine day, she got up right and stood up.

For her second birthday, she spent it in Miri at her Godmother's home.

At 2 and a half, she was showing the cheeky side of her.

At 3years of age, she was naughty, cheeky, considerate, and loving.

Now she is young lady of nearing 4years.

And that, my dear readers, is God's gift to me. Because no matter what others say, my Emma writes!

note: background noise is of sisters Aidan and Ashleigh

Thursday, August 16, 2007

All I Want For Christmas...

All I Want for Christmas is






and ....


Monday, August 13, 2007

At Play (01)

My girls love going back up country to where my parents live. Because there, they get to play outside the house and not be confined in doors. Here, you get to see what happens when they are let 'loose' ...