Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Train of Thoughts - wednesday, 27 October 2004

We had a meeting with the Admin Dept today - to brainstorm, sort of, on that Dept publicity and marketing needs. However, I came out of the meeting with the feeling that it was a poor meeting - most of the talking was done by my GM and Asst Manager. The Admin reps just sat there and nodded their agreement to whatever was being said.

When I got back to my desk, I saw the tonnes of work that awaits me. So I am starting off with Internal-Link, the in-house magazine for the oragnisation.

In 10-minutes flat, I came up with the draft for the article on "Punch Card" and I am waorking on a draft for our recently concluded media workshop. Then, I got writer's block... thus this train of thoughts. Maybe it can help unblock the block....what an oxymoron!!!

My clerk's pc is annoying me. She has the speaker on and everytime she does a mistake, it goes 'bloope', 'bloope'. I dpn't know whatchacallit but it gives off that sound to let you know that a mistake has been made. I gave her the dirty look a few times but she is ignorant.

Speakof ignorant, a lot of my colleagues are. Cultural, racially, religiously.

Ha!!! Ha!!! ha!!! I am being so Up and Mighty but really... I found that, in the last 2years I have been back in this city, many of the city's citizen are ignorant in many ways. I concluded that it is probably because (i) they have not experienced a more racially, culturally and religiously mized society, (ii) they are not learned enough (iii) they think they know all already.

Sp there...

Now my Asst Manager is briefing a colleague on something in her mind. More work for us.

Here's what in my mind now...what shall I have for lunch?

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Simplified Sign Language

The Sign for 'Sad'

I am teaching Emma to use sign language.

I am not trained at using sign language but I can try, and I am doing my research on it. Did you know that sign languages is divided into British and American? Odd, don't you think. It is like spelling 'organisation' in 2 ways - with an 's' or, with a 'z'.

But anyway, Emma knows the sign for 'milk' already. She looked at my hand when I sign it to her so it is embedded in her memory bank somehow. Basically, sign language for babies is simplified and for basic words such as 'milk', 'sleepy', 'bath' etc. I am also teaching Ash sign and the first few words are 'mommy', 'daddy' and 'sister'.

So yeah. She can talk (she mumbles now), can hear (I know cos she response to our voices) so why not let her sign too!