Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Simplified Sign Language

The Sign for 'Sad'

I am teaching Emma to use sign language.

I am not trained at using sign language but I can try, and I am doing my research on it. Did you know that sign languages is divided into British and American? Odd, don't you think. It is like spelling 'organisation' in 2 ways - with an 's' or, with a 'z'.

But anyway, Emma knows the sign for 'milk' already. She looked at my hand when I sign it to her so it is embedded in her memory bank somehow. Basically, sign language for babies is simplified and for basic words such as 'milk', 'sleepy', 'bath' etc. I am also teaching Ash sign and the first few words are 'mommy', 'daddy' and 'sister'.

So yeah. She can talk (she mumbles now), can hear (I know cos she response to our voices) so why not let her sign too!

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