Thursday, August 18, 2005

I am so tired!!!

The heat wave caused especially by the rampant open-forest burning by farmers in the state and Kalimantan, Indonesia is K-I-L-L-I-N-G me! I can not sleep properly at night due to the heat (no!.... I do not have air-conditioning) and my bulging tummy does not help either.

Only recently, both my daughters got the flu/fever. Probably due to the heat and/or seasonal contagion (I am not certain) but thanks to the spirulina tablets my sister have been giving them (tablets which should be consumed by the whole family but I opted out since I have three other tablets for the pregnancy to swallow every night), the kids recovered within a day.

Today, my clerk is OOO with the flu/fever. And for the next two days too!!!

Oh yeah… I am in my 33rd week, 2days into the 34th, of pregnancy. Baby has been pretty active of late – I cannot wait for him/her to get bigger and not have anymore room to do somersaults AND him/her to be born.

My back is killing me!!!

Been asking Hubby to massage my back for me. For all others who have not (and cannot) underwent the pregnancy process (especially the men folks), pregnancy related backache is like having your back sliced open with a blunt knife and left exposed to the environment…ouch!!!! On top of that, you also have your pregnancy hormones to thank for where in order to have an (supposedly) easier labour and delivery of another human being, all your joints especially in the pelvic area, are loosen. At times, it feels at though your femur bone will come out of the thigh socket!