Wednesday, August 24, 2005

A Pictorial of My Trip To Uma Lahanan, Belaga, Sarawak (September 2004)

This was taken the evening we arrived at the village. The view is from the window of my room on the upper floors of the longhouse. Heavenly!

The village, Uma Lahanan, is located somewhere in the mountainous regions of Belaga in rural Sarawak. We flew into Bintulu town at 10am, had lunch in town then took a 5-hours (oowwww! my butt!) 4-wheel drive ride through timber-logging road to reach the village. But this scenery was worth the journey and the cool mountain air was a respite from city pollution.

This is one of the six longhouses of Uma Lahanan. The village is actually a resettlement village where the villagers were uprooted from their original village way up in the mountains of Belaga for the Bakun Dam project. So it is no wonder that the longhouse looks clean and properly maintained.

However, many of the villagers, especially the elders, complaint that the location of the new settlement is not suitable for them. It is far from any rivers so they find it difficult to source for water as well as fishes. The location is also far from many of their farming lands which forces some of the elders to actually move back to their old homes up in the mountains.

This is a gentle old lady we met at the longhouse. She has on her head the traditional rattan-woven hat used by the womenfolks (the men's are more elaborate and colorful) and her ears are elongated which is part of the Orang Ulu tradition for women to elongate their ears with bronze (and certainly heavy) earrings.

The hostess of the longhouse, who is also the wife of the Mareng Uma (Ketua Kampung) presenting me with a traditional hat as worn by the old lady pictured above. Note the white hat with the kenyalang motif on the tray held by the lady in yellow. That is the hat for the menfolks which was presented to my male colleagues. The Mareng Uma is seated on the far right of the picture. He too is wearing the rattan-woven hat.

Caught In The Middle...

I am caught in the middle.

Actually, I am caught in the middle of producing/designing our newsletter in-house or outsourcing it to a so-called professional.

A sample of the artwork was handed to me today in which I showed our CEO. From the moment I laid my eyes on it, I know that the work done is not at all satisfactory. But show him, I must.

He rejected the whole project totally!

Now, I am stressed for no fault of mine.

From the beginning I informed my supervisor that I can, able and experienced enough to do the layout and design of our newsletter. Which, from then, we need only to send it to our printer for publication. But NO!!!!, he still wants to out-source the work.

And the result?

An earful from the CEO, to me, the Innocent Party.

Why? why me? Am I not stressed and tired-out enough? Do I really need this at 35weeks of pregnancy? Arghhh....!!!