Tuesday, May 15, 2007

The Person You Are Trying To Reach Is Not Available....

I am off to KK in sabah tomorrow for a business meeting.

I love this trip because I may potentially meet my brother whom I have not met since 1989! Having worked and married the local there, he never came back after that. That's the Prodigal Son in the family....

I hate this trip because this will be my 2nd travels within this month alone. And I am tired. I also hate this trip because traveling drains my personal finances, no matter how much we avoid buying unnecessary stuff. But buying food to feed your stomach on a strange and new place is enough to burn a hole in your pocket. And somehow, McDonald's seems more 'expensive' in these strange and new places compared to home.

So will I have a good trip or one that I wish I didn't embark on. Only time will tell...and that will be Friday pm when I return once again to update this blog....

**St Christopher, please look over me**