Wednesday, August 30, 2006

A Moment in History: We are 49!

Today is the eve of Malaysia's 49th year of independance from the British Empire.

But to be politically correct, here's the factual facts...

Malaya (the Peninsular only-Malaysia before independance) gained independance from the British Empire on 31st August 1957.

In 1963, Singapore joined the 'nation' and Singaporeans were actually part of Malaysia. Even now though most Singaporeans do not like to own up that they have relatives in present day Malaysia. Yeah, its a beam me up Scottie, right Singaporeans?

1963 was also the year when Sarawak and Sabah off the Borneo Island joined Malaya. And Malaysia, The Nation was born. Sarawak and Sabah were also former British colonies, and for Sarawak, its history dates back to the Brunei sultanate.

Three years into the union, Singapore calls it quits and left Malaysia. Yeah...what do you expect from the island nation? typical isn't it?

So from 1965 to the present day, Malaysia remains as just the Peninsular, Sabah and Sarawak.

So, as a Malaysian, I would say that ...yeah, we are going to be 49 years old tomorrow. But as a Sarawak, we are just 42... 43 come September 16.

September 16?

Yeah, that's actually the exact date when Sarawak was released from the hands of the Bristish Empire. And mind you, September 16 is still a BIG HOOHAA in the state. Naturally.

So, Happy 49th Year of Independance Malaysia!

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

A None-Auto Crash

I came to work early today.

As I set down my handbag and got myself a cup of coffee, I switched on my computer to start the day.

The monitor showed the customary greetings, the blue screen, the log-on screen.

I typed down my password and press enter.

It goes into live mode.

The desktop icons appeared and the monitor screen was filled with the MSM Messenger logging pop-up.

As usual, I turned my MSM pop-up off. Later on, I will let the rest of the world know that I am already at work. Now, it's time to check emails.

I double clicked the IE icon and the monitor burst into a few unknown pop-ups.

Some in chinese, so in unknown languages.

It goes for a few pop-ups until it finally showed one that says one of my .DLL thingy is not available. And that Windows will auto shut-down.

I sigh with exasperation and let it do what it said it will do: shut down.

When the monitor when blank, I press the 'on' button and it goes into the mode again.

But this time, i know something is very wrong when the pop-ups appeared.

"Call the technician. my pc has been infected," I said to my assistant and she quickly goes into action.

As I wait for the techie to check my pc out, I am doing this using the laptop. My computer has been silent the whole morning.

Lesson learnt?

FIrst: The efficiency of my assistant in doing what needs to be done because she knows I dislike waiting to know the outcome of something.

Second: That being a computer on loan i.e. belonging to the company, office equipment are never really yours and others have the right to use it as and when they like.

Third: Which is why passwords are important because that help protect your work although someone else is using your pc.

So, happy crashing day!