Friday, August 04, 2006

Early Morning's Lesson in Integrity...

This morning I attended an Open Forum organized by the National Special Committee on Integrity at Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) / State Legislative Building. I was not keen to go because had intended to do stuffs requiring my attention prior to my being away next week, but colleagues persuaded me to go. I agreed after one of them said he will be the driver-designate for this ‘trip’.

The forum was held at the DUN Building at Petra Jaya. Frankly, this is the first time that I stepped into the building. Now I know why the state government is building another State Legislative Building; the condition of the building is such an eyesore and a real shame. Anyway, that’s another story…

The function of the forum, to use the words of the circular we receive, were… “to discuss issues on enhancing values, ethics and integrity amongst the Malaysian community as cited in the National Integrity Plan….”

The full text of the committees functions as well as the Malaysian National Integrity Plan are as below

Please be warned, the text are in Bahasa Malaysia.

What did I think of the session?

What needs to be improved about the session?
1/. Ample notice to the public about the proposed forum so that more will attend, be prepared with issues etc.
2/. Organised it in a more public place and with easy(ier) access in terms of transport etc.

All in all, it is a good effort by the government of Malaysia. Having said that, I am certain that as in all things concerning the government, it will go on its full cycle before coming back to the main source, unresolved.

‘Nuff said….

Thursday, August 03, 2006

What Shall We Have For Breakfast Today...?

I don't mind sharing that I try to maintain a good eating habit; that is to have breakfast, lunch and dinner in moderation and at the same time every day. I also try not to snack between those time; if the hunger pangs comes, I would drink lots of water (or coffee) and nibble on some 'biskut kering' / crackers.

What I have for breakfast normally?

If I have my way (read: time, money and motivation), I will eat these....
This is Sarawak laksa; I can have this every morning if possible but that is also mengundang sakit because this meal, albeit deliciously spicy and sweet, also contain too much coconut milk and other 'unhealthy' stuff. I like the laksa made by the one and only laksa hawker a Thompson Corner, Jalan Nanas.

This is kolo mee - the chinese version. No one but the Hokkiens of Kuching city can produce an authentic kolo mee. The Malay version is not as delicious because the whole secret to a good kolo mee - the smell, the sight and the taste - is dependant on one thing - the lard that is use to season and garnish the dish. This is my 2nd breakfast choice. Kolo mee is obtainable almost every where so no preference for me.

This is Tomato Mee/Kuey Tiaw. It is actually pre-fried keuy tiaw/ mee served with tomato-based gravy. I like this dish but more for dinner rather than breakfast. The best I have ever tried is from the hawker stall at Tmn Hui Sing.

I am not much into dim sum but if there are no choice, I would just order these. But personally, dim sum are too costly for breakfast. Some people i.e. my sister, thinks it is healthier than others but ... hmmm, is it?

But given a choice, and I will when I am in KL next week, I would like to have these for breakfast, or any time, if I may:

This is THE Char Kuey Tiaw. Since moving back to Kuching, I have not eaten an authentic Char Kuey Tiaw and this is something I am really looking forward to when I get to KL. It seems that only Cantonese can make a good char kuey tiaw -cockles, bean sprouts the whol works.

The nasi lemak and a good one - should have fried ikan bilis, sambal which is masam manis pedas, sliced cucmbers and bits of chicken or beef rendang. Now that's what I call nasi lemak. On a moderate end, I do not mind replacing the meat item with hard boiled egg. And please, leave the egg whole instead of cut into half.

Roti canai and teh tarik is Hubby's typical breakfast. I do not mind it occassionally but I prefer roti telur (beaten eggs spread on top of the roti while being cooked). That adds some protein to the dish rather than just carbo. And oh yeah... my teh tarik is always without sugar.

So what shall we have for breakfast today?

Jacob's Sunlife biscuits... this is in preparation for the 4 mornings that i will not have time to eat proper breakfast while in KL. This is because I need to get myself to UPM Serdang by 8.00am every morning, to be in time for the conference.

Well... I did say that I try to eat in moderation and healthily.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

My Heart Was Broken by Development

Some times back, my heart was broken by development. :-(

You see, I live in a nice quaint city where green abound. The neighbourhood where I live have lots of trees and shrubs even though it is one of the fastest growing neighbourhood in the city.

Recently, the government gave the nod for a well-known and overly rich old geezer to 'up grade' the road works along the neighbourhood. In the name of improved traffic flow and efficient transportation, trees of old were cut down. What used to be a nice stretch of road for a cool Sunday evening drive became a hell-hole because of this.

Well, a picture says a thousand words....

This is what the road looks like now (taken from the Shell Station near Pelita Heights)

The road is now bare of trees. On the right, you can see the sapling of the kind of trees that used to give shade to the road users along the stretch.

The roundabout used to be a small hillock; now it has been flattened to the ground. This is where the cross-section of the road will be.

Nothing is more shameful than to have this beautiful symbol of the state brought to the ground and literally put to one side. From where it use to perch atop the hill/roundabout, it now stands at the road side, watching its former home being 'improved' in the name of developmnet. Where will it be once the intersection is done?

Well, if you ask me, I would say that we are just building ourselves a fully functional hell-hole.

We Are So Busy, It's A Laugh (03)

Sorry. I have neglected this part of my life. But really, let’s blame it on work, shall we?

Since mid-May, I have been busy organizing a so-called international workshop on Education for Sustainable Development. This has taken over virtually every aspect of my life! And to think that I can breath easy come July but nooo…. I have the organizational newsletter to work so. So there I go again, trying to beat deadline and ‘beating’ the hell out of my colleagues to contribute articles.

So to keep things updated…

My Inner Circle: (a.k.a Families)

Hubby did not get to go back to hometown in June. But instead, he managed to maneuver his way around Immigration. Hee hee….!

Aidan is ten months old. She has cut two teeth – one each on the upper and lower gum. She is already standing while holding on to the furniture. Her favourite things? Her elder sisters, whom she loves to play ‘shouting’ with. They would shout for as long as they can to see who lasts the longest. On good days, I find the game cute. On bad days, it is absolutely annoying!

Emma is attending her social group every week now. Thanks to Melanie who recently got her driver’s license. Emma is getting used to being with other people aside from family members and I am happy to hear Melanie’s update on Emma’s activities at school.

Ashleigh…hmmmm…. Let’s just say she is part angel, part devil. Enough said.

My 2nd Circle (a.k.a Close Friends)

I will be making my way to KL next week for a 3 day conference. After that, I will be meeting up with old buds at MAC. Yahooo…!!! Am really looking forward to that.

My 3rd Circle (a.k.a Associates)

I wish someone would donate me a mid-range digital camera.

My Prof Circle (a.k.a The Work Scene)

Nothing to say except that an Exec Assistant left the organization and I managed to persuade the Chairman of my office’s social club to make a Video Message for him. Though we end up using much of the office’s equipment but I always believe that to make a good, lasting impression, you have to put in your personal touch. And Abd Rahman’s Coffee Shop (that’s the title of the video cd we made), I consider, the best farewell gift anyone can have.

And speak of work… the money I get for the kind of work I do just don’t match. And it is not because I am overpaid…quite the opposite really.

But who am I to complain right? Better cents than none at all….
Till the next boredom comes….