Thursday, August 03, 2006

What Shall We Have For Breakfast Today...?

I don't mind sharing that I try to maintain a good eating habit; that is to have breakfast, lunch and dinner in moderation and at the same time every day. I also try not to snack between those time; if the hunger pangs comes, I would drink lots of water (or coffee) and nibble on some 'biskut kering' / crackers.

What I have for breakfast normally?

If I have my way (read: time, money and motivation), I will eat these....
This is Sarawak laksa; I can have this every morning if possible but that is also mengundang sakit because this meal, albeit deliciously spicy and sweet, also contain too much coconut milk and other 'unhealthy' stuff. I like the laksa made by the one and only laksa hawker a Thompson Corner, Jalan Nanas.

This is kolo mee - the chinese version. No one but the Hokkiens of Kuching city can produce an authentic kolo mee. The Malay version is not as delicious because the whole secret to a good kolo mee - the smell, the sight and the taste - is dependant on one thing - the lard that is use to season and garnish the dish. This is my 2nd breakfast choice. Kolo mee is obtainable almost every where so no preference for me.

This is Tomato Mee/Kuey Tiaw. It is actually pre-fried keuy tiaw/ mee served with tomato-based gravy. I like this dish but more for dinner rather than breakfast. The best I have ever tried is from the hawker stall at Tmn Hui Sing.

I am not much into dim sum but if there are no choice, I would just order these. But personally, dim sum are too costly for breakfast. Some people i.e. my sister, thinks it is healthier than others but ... hmmm, is it?

But given a choice, and I will when I am in KL next week, I would like to have these for breakfast, or any time, if I may:

This is THE Char Kuey Tiaw. Since moving back to Kuching, I have not eaten an authentic Char Kuey Tiaw and this is something I am really looking forward to when I get to KL. It seems that only Cantonese can make a good char kuey tiaw -cockles, bean sprouts the whol works.

The nasi lemak and a good one - should have fried ikan bilis, sambal which is masam manis pedas, sliced cucmbers and bits of chicken or beef rendang. Now that's what I call nasi lemak. On a moderate end, I do not mind replacing the meat item with hard boiled egg. And please, leave the egg whole instead of cut into half.

Roti canai and teh tarik is Hubby's typical breakfast. I do not mind it occassionally but I prefer roti telur (beaten eggs spread on top of the roti while being cooked). That adds some protein to the dish rather than just carbo. And oh yeah... my teh tarik is always without sugar.

So what shall we have for breakfast today?

Jacob's Sunlife biscuits... this is in preparation for the 4 mornings that i will not have time to eat proper breakfast while in KL. This is because I need to get myself to UPM Serdang by 8.00am every morning, to be in time for the conference.

Well... I did say that I try to eat in moderation and healthily.

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