Wednesday, August 02, 2006

My Heart Was Broken by Development

Some times back, my heart was broken by development. :-(

You see, I live in a nice quaint city where green abound. The neighbourhood where I live have lots of trees and shrubs even though it is one of the fastest growing neighbourhood in the city.

Recently, the government gave the nod for a well-known and overly rich old geezer to 'up grade' the road works along the neighbourhood. In the name of improved traffic flow and efficient transportation, trees of old were cut down. What used to be a nice stretch of road for a cool Sunday evening drive became a hell-hole because of this.

Well, a picture says a thousand words....

This is what the road looks like now (taken from the Shell Station near Pelita Heights)

The road is now bare of trees. On the right, you can see the sapling of the kind of trees that used to give shade to the road users along the stretch.

The roundabout used to be a small hillock; now it has been flattened to the ground. This is where the cross-section of the road will be.

Nothing is more shameful than to have this beautiful symbol of the state brought to the ground and literally put to one side. From where it use to perch atop the hill/roundabout, it now stands at the road side, watching its former home being 'improved' in the name of developmnet. Where will it be once the intersection is done?

Well, if you ask me, I would say that we are just building ourselves a fully functional hell-hole.

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