Wednesday, October 13, 2004

I Shopped Like Never Before....

I shopped during lunch today. Although many of us would officially recognise this as being the 'middle' of the month, the time when our finances are dwindling, when we start to tighten our purse-strings etc etc. However, I shopped and spent nearly RM250/-. Not much of a figure but! considering that it is the middle of the month and that I hardly spend any money on myself, that is a first....

So, what did I buy?

Two cute little dresses for Emma and a pair of hair clips for Ashleigh. Of course I bougt stuff for the girls; I always do!. It sort of make me not feel guilty about spending the money... But really! I always make sure I buy stuff for the girls... even if I do not have stuff for myself. For myself, I bought a white long sleeve blouse for work and a black pant-suit - clothes I have always wanted. AND... I bought a Crocodile-brand wrist watch to replace my (sob! sob!) Swatch Irony wrist watch which died out on me ages ago.

BTW...anyone for a none-working Swatch Irony watch? It will cost you just RM150/-. And if you live in/around KL, better still. You can bring it to Low Yat Plaza and get it fixed at the Swatch shop there. It will just cost you RM50/- to get it fixed. And I can guarantee that it is fixable... I can do it but I do not have the time to spare for the fixture (it will take at least 2-weeks....).

So yeah... I finally bought myself a watch. It is cool... rather dressy but conservative enough for work and play.

So there... that's my equivalent of a shopping spree. My next spree? Probably in early December...for Christmas.

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