Thursday, December 23, 2004

A Carpentar named Joseph.

A long time ago, there lived a man named Joseph. Joseph was a carpentar. He was engaged to be married to a young lady named Mary, a women whom he was very much in love with. In fact, they were both very much in love and were set on marrying one another.

But before they could get married, Josepg found out that Mary was pregnant. And because he was an honorable man, he was determined to end his engagement with Mary.

Before he could do so, an unearthly being named Gabriel came and told him to not do what he was thinking of doing, but rather, to continue with his plans of marrying Mary. Because Joseph was also God-fearing, he did what he was told and took Mary as his wife.

When Mary was nearing her time to give birth, Josepg took her to his original homwtown of Bethleham because it was required that all man go and register themselves with the ruling government at his own hometown.

Because of this, and the lateness of the hour, Joseph could not find a proper place to put up for the night and had to accept the offer of a shepherd to take refuge in a barn.

Mar, out of exhaustion from the journey, went into labour that night. Amazingly too, three total strangers, all of whome were well-to-do business entrepreanurs from nations far away, stopped by at the barn and congratulated Mary and Joseph on the birth of their beautiful baby boy.

Josepg decided to name the baby, Jesus, who turned into a fine carpentar like his father Joseph. And who, at about 33 years of age, died on a cross for the sake of mankind.

Christmas blessings and a new year filled with joy, happiness and good health for all!

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