Wednesday, December 01, 2004

In search of ‘old’ friends…

There are friends and then, there are, friends.

I have some friends with whom I have lost touch and really, really would like to re-connect with.

First and foremost, there is Scott Lamura. Scott was my first pen-pal – someone whom I got to know and love dearly (as a friend) when I was just 10 years old. He is an American. Although we have never met but we talked on the telephone once – when he called me from the US to give his birthday wishes for my twelve birthday. We kind of lost touch when we turned 18 – each of us leaving our homes for college and being caught up with our own lives. Then amazingly enough, he wrote me when we turned 21 – he was then a steward with American Airlines and was living in Chicago. Somehow or rather, he remembered me and wrote. Then there were silence. When I got engaged and my wedding approaches, I made an attempt to get in touch of him and managed to track his mom; I wrote her, telling her about myself and my (then) pending wedding. Surprisingly, Scott wrote back! And of all things (and something which somehow breaks my heart), he informed that only a year before, he and his mom had came to Malaysia for a holiday. He had remembered me but had no idea how to get hold of me. Our paths, somehow, is not destined to cross… He is silence once again and being a steward, he moves around a lot so I am just not sure how to get hold of him now.

Another friend is Nurul Hanum Abdul Rafar. She was my best bud in college. We were like sisters…always hanging out together. But somehow, in the third semester, we drifted apart – I met my (then) boyfriend (now hubby) and she had met her partner. The last time I heard from her was in 1999 when she was still working with PJ Hilton, expecting her first child and living at Puchong Kiara. How can I track her now?

These two people really meant a lot to me – Scott for being the first boy who was such a fun friend and at a time when we do not see the other person as a person of different sex but more as a friend and bud. And Nurul because she was like a sister and a friend and so much fun but also very competitive and encouraging at the same time.

If given the chance now, I would like to tell these two that I really love them and that I really appreciate their friendship.

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