Tuesday, January 25, 2005

One Found, One More To Go ...

I was at my parents over the weekend and I came across this letter from a friend of mine. Of all the hundreds of letter he sent me, only this is what I have left...

" Dear Paulina
Hello, how are you? I just received your letter today (July 2, 1984). I guess you think I'm overdoing it a bit by sending you all this stuff but so what, it's time I did something for youfor a change. The stuff in the plexiglass container are typical American goods. They are sunglasses, pen, pencil, outliner, candle, bracelet, ruler, tennisball keychain, paper bee, stickers, a clip on The bear in trousers: squeeze its shoulders then its arms open), and a favorite Americanpastime, Legos - they're the colorful thing all stuck together: you can dissemble them then put them backtogether anyway you want. The newspaper is just for packing. My brother's name is (name omitted for privacy), he's going into 10th Grade.

To tell yout he truth, I don't know what the difference between a catholic and roman catholic is. But I think I'm roman catholic.

On 4 July 1984 (tomorrow), mu mom, her boyfirend, (Brother) and I are going to Cape Cod for a week. By the time you get this, we'll already be back. Also, on July 25 - August 1, my dad, his wife, (Brother) andI are going to Bermuda (a Britsih territory). I'll send youa post card.

Is your house on stilts? Could you send me a picture of your hosue too?

Well tell all your friends I said hi.

Yours truly

w/b soon "

The writer of the letter wrote me an e-mail recently. I was a huge surprise, a sense of relieve and gladness, especially this new year. (Read my blog 'In Search of "Old Friend' "

As with all his previous letters,they content the following information: his recent activities and where/what he will be doing the next few weeks. But this time, he signed off as "fondly".

Frankly, I do not know how to response to his sign-off so I made mine as 'me!!!' :-)

So yeah, I finally managed to get Scott to e-mail me. Never asked him why he MIA-ed for so long - maybe it's just a guy thing, maybe its his job (he flies with American Air) or maybe, he just wrote too many letters during his teenage year, he just don't want to write anymore. **shrug**

But all the saem, I wrote him back and I look forward to his reply, soon if not later.


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