Thursday, March 17, 2005

You Get Monkeys When You Offer Peanuts...

I work with an organisation who 'claims' to be involved in issues on development and communication in the state. If you ask me, I still have not idea what 'development communication' is all about so don't bother...

Anyway, this organisation is commonly known as a GONGO among the locals - government-owned NGO - because of our links with the state government. Briefly, this is how it all began.

The idea for creating the organisation was started by the chief Minister (who, BTW, is still in power to this day) so the seed grant was from the government. After 22 years, we still get our salaries paid by the government and most of our issues are government-related and we work a lot with government agencies. Even a majority of our board members are government officials (and high ranking too!) So, who can blame the public...?

Anyway, this is an introduction to the 'monkeys' in my division - Communication and Knowledge Management. This division is further sub-div. into 02 units - Communication and Marketing, in which I am in, and Information and Knowledge Management (another fancy name for Resource Centre).

The Head Honcho
The Chief Executive Officer is a Melanau and was formerly with the Sarawak Tourism Board. He is rather fatherly though at time, and is rather government-ish in his thinking of stuffs.

The Second Head Honcho
my GM is a lady. She was promoted to her present position when the division was created in early 2004. She is a Malay, who wears tudung and is a full-fledge micro-vegan. Also, she is the reason why the organisation have the 'meet and eat' culture -- she simply must have some food served during meetings be it involving external parties or otherwise. I have mentioned lots of times that to reduce cost on these kind of things, freshment should only be served when meetings involved external parties. But who am I to say anything... when the leader leads, who cares...

"I have Experienced/Done This Before"
Personally I do not like my colleague. He is the kind of person who talks/brags a lot but does nothing. And his favourite sentence is "I have Experienced/Done This Before". I got so fed-up of hearing this that one day, I replied "Having done it before doesn't mean it is the correct thing!'

Sendiri Tebang, Sendiri Pikul - NOT!!!

This is the Asst Manager in my unit and as the sub-titled I gave, she is the kind of person who talks a lot about doing stuffs but when it comes to the actual work, it all comes down to me. She is also very young and her overall working experience is just 4 years... She is also not good in public relations (most of them thinks she is snotty), do not know how to write creatively (her work are edited by me) and so lacks the office-experience that she is the very example of the graduate who thinks just because they have the qualification, they know better.

My Partner in Crime

Is and I are the ones who have to bear the brunt of our two Asst Managers. Personally, Is is a good friend to have and spar thoughts with because he is also very funny and witty. He is also not ashame of admitting his mistakes and to ask for opinions and assistance, especially from me, since he knows that I know... stuffs...

The Older Brother

Dawit is Is' assistant when it comes to the daily running of the Resource Centre. He is also the elder brother of us all for he is in his 40s. He is quiet and don't say much.

Gangster Cina

Frankie is my assistant in my unit. He is responsble for the creative works for the whole organisation and reports directly to our Asst Manager when it comes to event management. Personaly, he is an ok guy but needs constant check-up and leading otherwise he will stray from his work. Also, I believe my Asst Manager does not like him because he is such a 'cina kebun' and not like the upper-class Chinese that she tries to portray herself.

Our Back-up Plan

Ita is my clerk. I said 'my' becuase she reports directly to me although she is to assist in both the units. As the title of this entry goes, she gets peanuts for the things she does in the office although she has been around 5-6years. SO I really don't blame her for leaving the office on time or not putting 100% to her work. What do you expect? even a gardener earns more than she, I believe. don't think I would write about myself and put a picture as well, did you?!!!?


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