Monday, August 01, 2005

My Fiery Bringer of Good News

It has long been known to my family and I that I am carrying a little girl. I am in my 31st week already and as my dotor said "after the 34th week, baby can come out already." Hmmmm.....

Anyway, having found out the gender of the baby (this info is off limits to my colleagues or anyone who asks the baby's gender...) and in the tradition of naming our kids with the letter 'E", we have agreed to name her EVANGELAINE (alter. of Evangeline) which means "one who brings good news" and with the (predicted) character of being Happy, confiding, tenacious. Romantic, but always self-possessed and her second name shall be AIDAN which mean "fiery".

Also, this also serves the tradition of having six syllables to all their names i.e. E-LI-ZA-BETH-ASH-LEIGH or EM-MA-NO-ELLE-CAIT-LIN or E-VAN-GE-LAINE-AI-DAN.

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