Thursday, September 15, 2005

The Best Is Still not THE Best...

Hubby and I had a quick lunch at a (relatively) new Indian coffee shop near my office. This was our second time there.

Our initial trip...we had to wait a while for our food to arrive due to the number of people also waiting for theirs. But it really shouldn't be because our food was pre-cooked and displayed at the baine maries... it was all up tot eh customers to pick and choose and have the waiters send the dishes to our table. On top of it all, the food arrived minus the papadom... a must-have condiment to all Indian food.

This time around, our food arrived the moment we sat at our table. Including the papadoms.

Analysing this fact, this is my conclusion: today we arrived late @ 1.30pm, where the lunch crowd is gone/going. Also, there are a lot more waiters than the previous time we were there.

So we had our fill and left the place by 2.05pm. That was fast!!!

About the food....

hmmm... it was ok, I guess. Living in a community where Indians are like a needle in a haystack, the food at Sri Shan (that's the name of the coffee shop) is good compared to other so-called 'Indian' eateries we have tried since we moved back to Kuching three years ago.

We used to patronise The Curry House along Rubber Road in Satok area because hubby thought that was the best place to get roti canai, thosai and the nasi bryani is reasonably good. Personally, I do not like CUrry House's nasi bryani cos the chicken is cooked in the rice itself, making it soggy and some times undercooked. I prefer my chicken deep fried with lots of crunchy bits (read: skin) on it.

Then, there is Tok Janggut at Chong Lin Park. This place is the rave of the town/city since I don't know when... the offerings are supposed to be good but thus far, I have never been there. I did attempt to have some food from it once but by the time my sister got to the place, the nasi bryani is no more. So I believe that I am destined to NOT have a taste of Tok Janggut's offerings.

Speak of offerings, I miss the food at Rajoo's Corner along Jalan Cempedak near the Sentul Commuter Train Station. My first introduction to Indian styl eof cooking was at Rajoo's and thanks to my hubby.

Then, there's the Indian Warehouse restaurant situated along Jalan Ipoh, behind the petrol station, just a hop, skip and jump away from the IPD Sentul. Hubby loves this place because the offerings is enormous and the cooking to-die-for (literally). Wonder if it still exists?

I really should make a visit to these places the next time I am in KL because the best in Kuching is still not THE best.

Speak of food, I really shouln't eat all these fried foods due to my gestational diabetes but then again.... hmmmmm

Just don't tell my gynae...ok?

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