Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Kuching vs Serian

I must state here that I really dislike people asking me about dialects and homwtowns. The conversation normally goes like this:

Q: Where is your home town?
Me: Kuching.
Q: Kuching? You Bidayuh right?
Me: Yes. Why?
Q: You from Serian kah? Bau? Penrissen?
Me (seething with annoyance): Nope. I was born at Sarawak General Hospital in Kuching, so that makes my hometown Kuching.

Another conservation that really irks me would go like this:
Q: You Bidayuh?
Me: Yes...
Q: So you can speak (so-and so- Bidayuh dialect)
Me: Yes... (and the conversation ends there.
Me: No... (and the conversation continues)
Q: No? How come? Why don't you learn?
Me (annoye): Because when I was born, I forgotten to give my parents a reminder letter to make sure that they speak/teach Bukar-Sadong and Singghei with me....

Please note:
The failure of a child to speak hismother-tongue is not the child's but the parents.

I am proud to say that I speak Bukar-Sadong Bidayuh thanks to my mother. Some Bidayuh kids were raised not speaking their mother tongue at all! And the worst thing is that both parents are from the same Bidayuh sub-group!

Mind you, my Bidayuh-Indian-Chinese children are all being raised and taught to understand, speak and learn Bidayuh.

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