Thursday, May 12, 2005

Maybe I'll Just Not Do Anything....

I am alone in the office now. ALl others have gone to RTM to attend/organise a press conference for our joint radio programme with RTM.

This is the first time I am 'left behind' in any of our projects. Normally, I would be one of the coordinators for all our projects. But this time around, my GM has deliberately delegated specific assignments to specific people in the whole team. And I am the first to be assigned to write invitation letters to whoever-whatever for our upcoming Knoweldge 2005 Conferece ( early July. This is a two day international conference which we are co-organising with PUSTAKA Negeri Sarawak.

However, as of tomorrow morning, I shall have the assistance of my clerk to do foolow-ups for all the invite letters we have faxed out (75 letters in all). HAA HAA HAAA

BTW, there is a bee stuck at the light vent above me. I am trying my best to ignore it but bees being bees, they have a unique way of getting on your nerves and this one's succeeding...

I will be on a week leave during the first week of June. A much needed vacation...phew!!! Maybe, I will just not do anything till after that time...what say you?


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