Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Why Kuching (that's the city where I live...) Have Many Cats

Story no. 1:
James Brooke arrived in Sarawak in 1839, hailed a friendly local and asked the name of the nearby township on the river. The local, thinking that he was pointing to a cat prowling nearby said “Kucing” or ‘cat’ in Malay.

Story No. 2:
James Brooke (first White Rajah of Sarawak) referred to the town as 'Kuchin' similarly referred to Cochin or Port as in India.

Story No. 3:
The township in Brooke’s era was overgrown with a large local fruit tree call “pokok mata kucing” (nepphelium malaiense), a varietys of local Lychee fruit. Brooke named the township thus when he came across the trees and made it his first resting place, sitting under the shady tree.
This is the main cat statue in the centre of town. It is located on the fountained-roundabaout of Jalan Tunku Abd Rahman/Padungan.
The city also have a Cat Museum.

This statue is actually the boundary indicator for the Kuching City South Council. This is on one end of Jalan Padungan.

At the other end of Jalan Padungan, there is another statue of a cat. This is the hippest cat in town because every festive season, he/she will be dressed for the occassion. Here, he/she is dressed in a Chinese attire.

These felines are found on the garden/park at Waterfront.

Alternately, this is the fruit which is also in the midst of this name-sake argument.

And this is Dido, my mom's cat with whom she have a love/hate relationship.

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